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26 September Over 600 Million Eligible To Vote

Upcoming News: Germany Prepares for Historic Bundestag Election

26 September: Over 600 Million Eligible to Vote

In a pivotal moment for German democracy, the upcoming Bundestag election on September 26 promises to be one for the history books. According to estimates from the Federal Statistical Office, a staggering 604 million Germans will be eligible to cast their ballots across the country.

First-Time Voters and Shifting Demographics

This election marks a significant milestone, with an estimated 28 million eligible voters participating in their first Bundestag ballot. This surge in first-time voters is set to shape the political landscape, bringing fresh perspectives and priorities.

Additionally, the age demographics of the electorate have shifted, with more eligible voters over 50 than under 50. This demographic shift is expected to influence policy priorities and the direction of the new government.
